Here I am again and with an update on the new items on Pet Society. Sorry again for the late posting because as you may know, I am also a first year student taking up General Engineering ( we still doesnt have our major because of a new law was given by the Commission on Higher Education and supposed to be my major was Electronics and Communications.).
So going back to the topic.... here is my update! weeee..... come annd join me and my pet chem in our window shopping! Kinda excited because this is my first post (a post that I myself alone created) that I will be using my new laptop
Well, to start, I think to make it more exciting Ill just turn this posts into a MINI tale
here we start! ( this is it! promise!)
In a society faraway called Pet Society, there ia a prince whose name is Chem, he loves to shop at the store nearby, having not that much coins he decide to wander on the stores and look for the items that will catch his attention and buy first...
He decided to go first in the furniture store and there he met the friendly store owner named Preston who is yellow orange colored, has thick eyebrows and a smiling face, He asked Preston "may I look around your store and find some items tthat I may use to decorate my house???" Preston replied, "Oh sure, your majesty, you may!Please feel free to come and visit my store anytime". So Chem, happy about what Preston had said, took a look at what tthe furniture store has to offfer. Here are what Prince Chem was able tto find at the furniture store!

After going to the DIY shop, he then decided to go to the Luxury shop and asked Felicity, the beautiful and elegant looking store owner, for the new items...... He was surprised to see the nice items that he found there. Felicity was so shy and hid from Chem's camera when she saw tthat Chem was about to take pictures...... here are the pictures..
Prince Chem then got tired and asked his assistant to go to the remaining stores and have a report on the items.... here is the report made...

Well, to start, I think to make it more exciting Ill just turn this posts into a MINI tale
here we start! ( this is it! promise!)
In a society faraway called Pet Society, there ia a prince whose name is Chem, he loves to shop at the store nearby, having not that much coins he decide to wander on the stores and look for the items that will catch his attention and buy first...
He decided to go first in the furniture store and there he met the friendly store owner named Preston who is yellow orange colored, has thick eyebrows and a smiling face, He asked Preston "may I look around your store and find some items tthat I may use to decorate my house???" Preston replied, "Oh sure, your majesty, you may!Please feel free to come and visit my store anytime". So Chem, happy about what Preston had said, took a look at what tthe furniture store has to offfer. Here are what Prince Chem was able tto find at the furniture store!

After having been wandered on the furniture store, Prince Chem bade goodbye to the store owner and promised to go back as soon a s possible to purchase the items he found interresting. but for now, he went to the D.I.Y. shop.
There, he met the store owner named, Grumble who is Mocha colored and possesses and big brown nose! his forehead was some kind of a wrinkled and making him look like a bit strict. he then asked about the new items present on the stores and the store owner said that he should go around his little store to be able to see the new items... A bit shy and full of excitement, here are the items that Prince Chem found.

To the majesty:
Mrs. Appleblossom of the Garden shop got a sled, a wooden sign and a frozen lake which looks good at your garden,
Truffles of the Food Shop's got a cup af the most delicious and mouth watery hot chocolate which would be good for your breakffast.
"?" of the Mystery shop got a new potion for your makeover
Lily's got some clothes that you may use if you will be going out since its cold.
Terrence got a pair of skates that would look good for you..
those were my reports...
-your servant!
So Price chem... happy about the report rushed to the stores and bought items for his house but still thinks of the rooom where he may place his items.....