Anyway so what happens after the ice block evolves into an Ice Sculpture?

From Mejlis of PlayFish
"We've also launched an event here on the forum where you can show your support in other ways:
Endangered animals need our help but they can't speak for themselves. If your WWF Ice Animal could talk, what would it say? To enter, create a picture of your pet with one or more WWF Ice Animals (you can buy a WWF Ice Animal and take a picture, use your friend's WWF Ice Animal, draw it yourself or photo edit it) and answer this question in no more than 15 words, uploading both into the WWF Ice Animal forum section.
The most thoughtful and original entries will be displayed on the Pet Society website and we will also reward winners' pets with a permanent full size WWF Ice Animal in Pet Society!"
Who wouldn't want to see his/her pet into an ice sculpture?? So what are you waiting for collect those adorable WWF Ice Animals and get your creative juices flowing. Not only you might stand a chance to see your own PEt Ice Sculpture but you're giving WWF Ice Animals a voice.